Archive of Past Conference Links - 2003
- Dec 15-18, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,
DIMACS Workshop on
Algebraic Coding Theory and Information Theory
- Dec 13-16, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
Advances in Graph and Matroid Theory (in honor of Neil Robertson's 65th
- Nov 14-15, University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany,
Colloquium in Combinatorics
- Nov 10-12, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV,
17th Midwest Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, and Computing
- Nov 8, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,
Combinatorial Potlatch
- Oct 31-Nov 2, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA,
Integers Conference 2003 (combinatorial number theory), contact
- Oct 13-17, MSRI, Berkeley, CA,
Mathematical Foundation of Geometric Algorithms (click on
- Oct 11, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,
Conference on Applications of Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
- Oct 3-4, Miami University, Oxford, OH,
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
- Oct 2-4, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Special Session on Graphs and Digraphs (AMS Meeting #989)
- Sep 30-Oct 4, Messina University, Messina, Italy,
International Symposium on Graphs, Designs, and Applications
- Sep 27-Oct 1, Charlottesville, Virgina,
Applications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance
(AGTIVE '03)
- Sep 21-24, Perugia, Italy,
11th International Symposium on Graph Drawing - GD2003
- Sep 19-20, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN,
MIGHTY XXXVII (37th MIdwest GrapH TheorY Conference)
- Sep 11-13, University of Montana, Missoula, MT,
2003 Big Sky Conference on Discrete Mathematics
- Sep 8-20, Lavagna, Italy,
Summer School on Game Theory and Operations Research
- Sep 8-12, Prague, Czech Republic,
Eurocomb'03 - European conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and
- Sep 1-6, Potenza, Italy,
Summer School on Combinatorial Geometries (Giuseppe Tallini)
- Sep 1-5, Ubatuba, Brazil,
Workshop on Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications
- Sep 1-5, Paris, France,
Discrete Random Walks 2003, 1st International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Discrete Random Walks to Combinatorics, Computational Biology,
Computer Science, Probability, and Statistical Physics
- Aug 31-Sep 5, Stara Lesna, Slovakia,
Twelfth Workshop on Cycles and Colourings
- Aug 20-28, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA,
Introductory Workshop in Discrete and Computational Geometry
- Aug 20-23, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ,
DIMACS Workshop on Discrete Metric Spaces and their Algorithmic
- Aug 18-22, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark,
18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (includes
workshop on graph coloring)
- Aug 11-15, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH,
Teaching Introductory Combinatorics by Guided Group Discovery
- Aug 10-17, Prague, Czech Republic,
LOOPS'03, Loops, Quasigroups, and Latin Squares
- Aug 10-16, DIMACS/Rutgers, Piscataway, NJ
Internet Algorithms (Modeling the Web as a Graph)
DIMACS Reconnect 2003
(Lenore Cowen, principal speaker)
- Aug 9-14, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics,
Tehran, Iran,
Combinatorics, Linear Algebra, and Graph Coloring
- Aug 9-13, Poznan, Poland,
RS&A'2003, 11th International
Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms
- Aug 4-8, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN,
A Tour of Combinatorial Games (with Elwyn Berlekamp) (an MAA summer
- Aug 4-7, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England,
Combinatorics in Cambridge (in celebration of Bela Bollobas's 60th
- Jul 30-Aug 1, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
3rd Annual McMaster Optimization Conference: Theory and Applications
- Jul 16-23, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
Centrality in Graphs with Applications to Facility Location
DIMACS Reconnect 2003
(Brooks Reid, principal speaker)
- Jul 16-18, University of London, London, England,
International Symposium on Applications of Graph Theory
- Jul 13-18, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,
DCI 2003, Combinatorial Design Theory
- Jul 8-10, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,
Workshop on
Applications of Lattices and Ordered Sets to Computer Science
- Jun 30-Jul 4, Zilina, Slovakia,
Conference on Geometry and Graph Theory
- Jun 30-Jul 4, University of Wales, Bangor, Wales,
BCC19, 19th British Combinatorial Conference
- Jun 23-28, University of Science and Technology of China, HuangShan City,
CCC03, Workshop on Coding, Cryptography, and Combinatorics
- Jun 23-27, Linkoping University (Sweden)
FPSAC'03, International Conference on
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
- Jun 22-27, Lake Bled, Slovenia,
Fifth Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory
- Jun 19-21, Elspeet, The Netherlands,
WG 2003,
29th Intl Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
- Jun 16-27, Renyi Institute, Budapest, and Csopak, Lake Balaton, Hungary,
Workshop on Extremal Graph Theory (in honor of the 60th birthday of
Miklos Simonovits)
- Jun 16-17, Umea, Sweden,
7th International Workshop on Interconnection Networks (IWIN 2003)
- Jun 15-21, Salem State College, Salem, MA,
Current Problems in Coding Theory
DIMACS Reconnect 2003
(Judy Walker, principal speaker)
- Jun 5-7, Molde University College, Molde, Norway,
ECCO 2003: XVI Conference of
the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimisation
- Jun 2-6, Javorna, Czech Republic,
Graphs 2003, Czech-Slovak Conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory
- May 30-31, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, WI,
MIGHTY XXXVI (MIdwest GrapH TheorY Conference)
- May 27-29, Rothschild Institute, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel,
Third Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory,
Combinatorics and Computing (dedicated to Peter Hammer)
- May 25-29, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Graph Theory of Brian Alspach (65th birthday celebration)
- May 19-21, DIMACS/Rutgers, Piscataway, NJ,
Workshop on Geometric Optimization
- May 15-17, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA,
16th Cumberland Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing
- May 14-16, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands,
CTW 2003, 2nd Cologne Twente
Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
- May 13-17, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN,
NSF-CBMS conference: Expansion Methods in Combinatorics (methods
of statistical physics as applied to combinatorics and theoretical
computer science, principal lecturer Christian Borgs)
- May 12-16, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
Networks: Structure, Dynamics, and
- May 3, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA,
New England Discrete Mathematics
- Apr 11, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC,
8th Annual North Carolina Mini-Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and
- Apr 10-16, Renyi Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Worshop on Extremal Combinatorics (jointly sponsored by
DIMACS, DIMATIA, and Renyi Institute)
- Apr 5-6, Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX,
CombinaTexas 2003
- Apr 4-6, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN,
AMS Central Section Meeting with special sessions in
Extremal Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Graph and Design Theory
(61 talks in these three topics over three days)
- Mar 3-7, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton FL,
34th Southeastern Int'l Conf on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and
- Feb 28, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium,
Symposium on Algorithms in Finite Geometry and Combinatorics
- Feb 1, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI,
New England Discrete Mathematics Day
- Jan 15-18, Baltimore, MD,
Special Session on Spherical Designs and Codes (four sessions at
Joint Mathematics Meetings)
- Jan 11-14, Baltimore, MD,
ALICE 2003,
Workshop on Algorithms for Listing, Counting, and Enumeration (Jan 11 only).
Followed on Jan 12-14 by
SODA 2003, 14th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms