Links to Combinatorial Conferences
Conferences in 2010
- Dec 11, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA,
nth Annual Combinatorial Potlatch
- Dec 6-10, The Australian National University, Canberra,
34th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial
Computing (34ACCMCC)
- Nov 25-27, Kroczyce, Poland,
19th "3 in 1" Workshop (on combinatorics and graph theory)
- Nov 22-26, Playa del Carmen, Mexico,
ACCOTA 2010 - International Workshop Combinatorial and Computational Aspects of
Optimization, Topology and Algebra
- Nov 18-20, LaBRI, Université Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France,
Bordeaux Graph Workshop 2010 (in honor of André Raspaud)
- Nov 13-14, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
Atlanta Lecture Series in Combinatorics and Graph Theory
- Nov 12-13, Saarbrücken, Germany,
29th Colloquium on Combinatorics
- Nov 6-7, Richmond, VA,
AMS Meeting #1065 (2010 Fall Eastern Sectional), special sessions on
Topics in Graph Theory,
Codes and Designs,
Convexity and Combinatorics
- Nov 5-7, University of Notre Dame, IN,
AMS Meeting #1064 (2010 Fall Central Sectional), special session in
Graphs and Hypergraphs,
Algebraic and Topological Combinatorics
- Oct 29-Nov 2, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China,
International Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics and
- Oct 23, University of Wisconsin-Superior
MIGHTY L (50th MIdwest GrapH TheorY Meeting)
- Oct 20-22, University of Minnesota-Duluth,
6th International Workshop on Graph Labelings (IWOGL 2010)
- Oct 18-20, Athens, Greece,
3rd International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory
- Sep 24-30, Bedlewo, Poland,
3rd Polish Combinatorial Conference
- Sep 21-24, Konstanz, Germany,
18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD 2010)
- Sep 19-25, Rhodes, Greece,
Minisymposium GRAPHS (within ICNAAM 2010)
- Sep 13-15, Rostock, Germany,
Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms (ODSA 2010)
- Sep 12-17, Zgorzelisko, Poland,
6th Cracow Conference on Graph Theory
- Sep 10-12, Illinois State University, Normal, IL,
24th Midwest Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography and Computing
(in honor of Roger B. Eggleton)
- Sep 6-8, Liverpool, UK,
18th European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2010)
- Sep 5-10, High Tatras, Slovakia,
Cycles and Colourings in Graphs 2010 (19th Workshop)
- Sep 1-3, UPC Barcelona, Spain,
13th Intl. Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems - APPROX 2010
14th Intl. Workshop on Randomization and Computation - RANDOM 2010
- Aug 20-Sep 4, Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria,
EURO Summer Institute ESI 2010: Nonlinear Methods in Combinatorial
- Aug 18-20, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA 2010)
- Aug 12-15, Cochin, India,
International Conference on Recent Trends in Graph theory and
- Aug 9-13, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH,
Eighth conference on Permutation Patterns (PP2010)
- Aug 9-11, Winnipeg, Canada,
22nd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2010)
- Aug 2-9, Budapest, Hungary,
Endre Szemerédi is 70
- Aug 2-6, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA,
FPSAC'10 - 22nd Annual International Conference on
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics
- Jul 28-30, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
The Mathematics of Klee and Grünbaum
- Jul 26-30, DIMATIA and Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic,
Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop XVI
- Jul 26-29, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA,
Workshop in Mixed Integer Programming (MIP 2010)
- Jul 19-21, Nha Trang, Vietnam,
16th Annual International
Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2010)
- Jul 18-25, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, University
of Warwick, UK,
DIMAP Workshop on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics
- Jul 11-14, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal,
24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV)
- Jul 4-7, University of Siena, Italy,
7th Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications
- Jun 28-Jul 2, Vienna, Austria
AOFA '10 - 21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms
- Jun 28-Jul 2, Orsay, France,
8th French Combinatorial Conference
- Jun 28-30, Zaros, Crete, Greece,
36th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science
(WG 2010)
- Jun 27-Jul 3, Verbania, Italy,
Combinatorics 2010
- Jun 21-23, Bergen, Norway,
12th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithms and Data
- Jun 22-25, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark,
Workshop on Solution Concepts for Extensive Games
- Jun 17-19, University of Coimbra, Portugal,
Coimbra Meeting on 0-1 Matrix Theory and Related Topics
- Jun 14-17, Austin, Texas,
15th SIAM Meeting on Discrete Mathematics (DM10)
- Jun 9-11, Barcelona, Spain
3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies (IWONT 2010)
- Jun 9-11, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland,
Fourteenth Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization (IPCO XIV)
- Jun 9-11, Barcelona, Spain
3rd International Workshop on Optimal Network Topologies (IWONT 2010)
(celebrating the 60th birthday of Miquel Angel Fiol)
- Jun 4, Technische Universitaet Berlin,
Berlin-Poznan Seminar on Discrete Mathematics (six lectures)
- May 31-Jun 11, Opatija, Croatia,
NATO Advanced Study Institute "Information Security and Related
- May 27-28, DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,
From A=B to Z=60 (in honor of Doron Zeilberger's 60th
- May 27-28, Graz University of Technology, Austria,
Analytic enumeration methods in combinatorics,
probability and number theory
- May 26-29, Reykjavik, Iceland,
10th Nordic Combinatorial Conference
- May 26-28, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Rome, Italy,
CIAC 2010 - 7th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity
- May 25-27, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany,
(9th) Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and
Combinatorial Optimization (CTW2010)
- May 23-25, Haifa, Israel,
10th Haifa Workshop on Interdisciplinary Applications of Graph Theory,
Combinatorics, and Computing
- May 20-22, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS,
23rd Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and
- May 14-15, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada,
Ottawa - Carleton Discrete Mathematics Day 2010
- May 14-15, Schroedinger Institut, Vienna,
Symposium Diskrete Mathematik 2010
- May 7-8, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada,
18th Ontario Combinatorics Workshop (OCW)
- Apr 29-30, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Canada,
6th East Coast Combinatorics Conference
- Apr 24-25, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX,
CombinaTexas 2010
- Apr 24, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA,
Bay Area Discrete Math Day (BAD XX)
- Apr 19-23, Oaxaca, Mexico,
9th Latin American Theoretical INformatics - LATIN 2010
- Apr 16-17, University of Detroit-Mercy, Detroit, MI,
MIGHTY XLIX 49th MIdwest GrapH TheorY Meeting
- Apr 11-18, Schloss Thurnau, Bayreuth, Germany,
Algebraic Combinatorics and Applications (ALCOMA10) - Designs and codes
- Apr 10-11, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN,
1058th AMS Meeting, sectional meeting with Special Sessions on
Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics, Matrices and Graphs, and Partitions
and Combinatorics of Symmetric Functions
- Mar 28-Apr 2, University of Delaware, Newark, DE,
Designs, Codes, and Geometries (honoring Gary Ebert at his retirement)
- Mar 26-28, Smith College, Northampton, MA,
CoNE Revisited, in memory of Mike Albertson
- Mar 24-26, Hammamet, Tunisia,
International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO)
- Mar 22-24, Technische Universitaet Dortmund, Germany,
26th European Workshop on Computational Geometry
- Mar 21-25, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
Combinatorics, Groups, Algorithms, and Complexity (honoring Laci Babai's
60th birthday)
- Mar 19-20, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN,
Paul Erdős Lecture Series
- Mar 17, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK,
One-Day Meeting in Combinatorics at Oxford
- Mar 8-12, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL,
41st Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and
- Feb 21-22, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL,
Workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorics in Memory of Uri Peled
(contact Shmuel Friedland (, Dhruv Mubayi
(, or Gyorgy Turan (
- Feb 10-12, Dhaka, Bangladesh,
4th International Workshop on
Algorithms and Computation 2010 (WALCOM 2010)
- Feb 8-12, Paris, France,
Algorithms and Pretty Theorems
- Feb 1 - Mar 5, Universite de la Mediterranee, Marseille, France,
Towards new interactions between Mathematics and Computer Science
(five weeks with distinct themes)
- Jan 17-19, Hyatt Regency Austin, Austin, Texas,
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA10)
- Jan 13-17, San Francisco, CA,
Joint Mathematics Meetings, various AMS special sessions (graph theory,
enumerative combinatorics, voting theory, and permutations (including three
colloquium lectures)), SIAM minisymposia (graph theory), MAA invited addresses
(motion planning and graph layout), and other events involving discrete
mathematics and other topics
- Jan 11-21, Barcelona, Spain,
Polymatroids etcetera: Algorithms and Pretty Theorems
(a course by Jack Edmonds)
This archive contains the pointers as they were when active.
Pages for old conferences are likely to have expired, but the listing
of dates and locations, etc., may be of use for historical purposes.
Conferences in
Conference Series Archives
Archive sites for conference series provide a valuable record. Links for
several appear below. Archives may include such things as lists of talks,
participants, and abstracts; even sometimes photos. If anyone knows of archive
sites for other conference series in discrete mathematics, please let me know
(send information to west @ math . uiuc . edu).
If anyone wants to create such a site for a conference series, I can
post that person's emai address so that past attendees can send material
(printed material saved by attendees can be scanned and posted).
Good candidates for such sites would be EuroComb, AWOCA (Australasian Worshop
on Combinatorial Algorithms), CTW (Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization),
Ontario Combinatorics Workshops, the Cumberland Conference on Combinatorics and
Computing, the MCCCC, the Southeastern International Conferences, Graph Theory
Day in New York, etc. I'm sure there are also many other series that would
benefit from having such sites.