Links to Combinatorial Conferences
For posting of upcoming conferences to this list, send email to Douglas B. West
at dwest|at|
Other conference lists:
Combinatorics and related conferences (maintained by the BCC);
Graph Theory and Combinatorics (at the Conference Management System);
Janos Pach's
Conference List
Other links:
Conference Series Archives,
Open problems pages.
Conferences in 2021
Postponements and cancellations due to coronavirus indicated as received.
- Dec 13-17, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia,
43rd Australasian Combinatorics
Conference (43ACC) (postponed from Dec 13-17, 2020)
- Dec 6-10, CIRM, Marseille, France,
Metric Graph Theory 2021
- Dec 6-8, Fukuoka, Japan,
32nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2021)
(HYBRID physical/online format)
- Nov 30 - Dec 2, hosted by Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran,
Autumn School/Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization (SCOPT2021)
(VIRTUAL on Zoom)
- Nov 29, European Central Time (organized in Japan),
Workshop "Graph Theory for Combinatorial Reconfiguration" (via Zoom)
- Nov 20-21, University at Albany, USA Eastern Time Zone (hosted in Albany,
NEWAC50AWM Northeast Women in Algebra and Combinatorics Conference Celebrating
the 50th Anniversary of the Association of Women in Mathematics
(VIRTUAL on Zoom)
- Nov 20, hosted by University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada,
38th Annual Cascadia Combinatorial Feast (formerly Combinatorial Potlatch,
VIRTUAL on Zoom)
- Nov 19-20, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany,
39th Colloquium on Combinatorics (Kolkom 2020)
(postponed from Nov 20-21, 2020, and again to Nov 18-19, 2022)
- Nov 14-16, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India,
International Workshop on Domination in Graphs (IWDG-2021)
- Nov 14, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC,
20th Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics"
(ONLINE, hosted on Zoom)
- Nov 3-5, Toulouse, France,
7th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2021)
- Oct 27-29, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV,
34th Midwest Conference on Combinatorics and Combinatorial Computing
(MCCCC) (postponed from 2020, now CANCELED)
- Oct 25-27, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK,
15th International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP'21)
- Oct 24-26, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan,
27th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2021)
- Oct 22-24, Tainan, Taiwan,
14th Annual Meeting of Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation
(AAAC 2021) (HYBRID format; co-located with COCOON 2021)
- Oct 20-22, 4-8pm Korea Time, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South
Young Researchers in Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics
(Zoom Workshop, Meeting ID 554 788 7710)
- Oct 4, Freiburg, Germany
10th Workshop on Advances in Distributed Graph Algorithms (ADGA 2021)
(HYBRID format)
- Sep 28-30, VIRTUAL Conference,
12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams
- Sep 22, hosted by Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science
and Technology, India,
International Webinar in honour of Prof. László Lovász,
beginning at 5pm India Standard Time
- Sep 21-24, Aarhus, Denmark,
14th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT)
14th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT)
- Sep 20-26, Rhodes, Greece,
Symposium GRAPHS (part of ICNAAM 2021, International Conference of Numerical
Analysis and Applied Mathematics), contact or
- Sep 20-24, Apolda, Germany,
GPCO 2020 - 8th German-Polish Conference on Optimization (postponed from
- Sep 14-17, Tübingen, Germany,
29th International
Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD2021)
- Sep 9-10, Lisbon, Portugal,
19th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2021)
(possibly hybrid)
- Sep 6-10, Barcelona, Spain,
European Conference on Combinatorics,
Graph Theory, and Applications (EUROCOMB 2021) (ONLINE)
- Sep 6-10, Kosice, Slovakia,
29th Workshop Cycles and Colourings (HYBRID form, in-person and online)
- Aug 31 - Sep 3, Bern, Switzerland,
Stream on "Discrete and Combinatorial Optimization" in Joint Conference
of German/Austrian/Swiss OR Societies
- Aug 30, Online via Zoom,
Workshop on
Combinatorial Reconfiguration in Discrete and Computational Geometry
- Aug 16-18, ONLINE (completely virtual),
25th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation (RANDOM 2021)
4th International Workshop on Approximation
Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2021)
- Aug 10-12, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada,
33rd Canadian Conference on
Computational Geometry (CCCG 2021) (ONLINE or HYBRID)
- Aug 9-11, ONLINE,
17th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS 2021)
(co-registration with CCCG 2021)
- Jul 26, sponsored by University of Haifa and Holon Institute of
Technology, Israel,
Topics in Algorithmic Graph Theory (ZOOM workshop and book launch)
- Jul 20-24, St. Paul's College, Kalamassery, Kerala, India,
International Research Workshop on Graph Domination (platform Zoom)
- Jul 20-23, Spokane, WA,
20th SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (DM21)
- Jul 19-21, Spokane, WA
First SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms (ACDA)
- Jul 12-16, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK,
Young Researchers in
Combinatorics Workshop (postponed from Jul 19-25, 2020; postponed
again to Jul 18-22, 2022)
- Jul 12-16, hosted by University of Rijeka, Croatia,
Combinatorial Designs and Codes (ONLINE, satellite event of the
8th European Congress of Mathematics)
- Jul 12, Glasgow, Scotland, UK,
Algorithmic Aspects of Temporal Graphs IV (ONLINE,
ICALP 2021 Satellite Workshop
- Jul 12, online,
GWP 2021: Graph Width Parameters: from Structure to Algorithms
(Zoom Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2021)
- Jul 12, online,
Workshop on Combinatorial Reconfiguration (FULLY ONLINE,
collocated with ICALP 2021)
- Jul 5-9, Durham University, Durham, UK,
28th British Combinatorial Conference (BCC 2021) (ONLINE)
- Jul 5-7, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada,
32nd International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2021)
- Jul 5-7, Wroclaw, Poland,
32nd Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2021)
(HYBRID format, on Zoom and in person)
- Jul 4-8, Spa, Belgium,
Graphs and Optimization Meeting (GO XI) (postponed from 2020,
postponed again to 2022 and then again to 2023)
- Jul 2, Central European Time,
GWP 2021: Graph Width Parameters: from Structure to Algorithms
(Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2021, ONLINE (Zoom))
- Jun 30 - Jul 4, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria,
Algorithmic and Enumerative Combinatorics (AEC 2021)
(POSTPONED to Jul 4-8, 2022)
- Jun 28 - Jul 2, Week 2 of
2020 Moscow Conference on
Combinatorics, Graphs Theory and Applications (MoCCA'20) (ONLINE,
postponed from May 11-15 2020)
- Jun 24-25, via internet,
Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics (GRWC) (ONLINE)
- Jun 24-25, online,
"POC days" - Polyhedra and Combinatorial Optimization (JPOC12)
(following Jun 22-23 Spring School on "MINLPs and Bilevel Problems")
- Jun 23-25, online
47th International Workshop on
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2021)
- Jun 20-26, Portoroz, Slovenia,
8th European Congress of Mathematics
(postponed from 2020)
- Jun 15-16, hosted by University of Strathclyde
Combinatorics Group, UK,
Permutation Patterns 2021 Virtual Workshop (ONLINE)
- Jun 14-18, Lyon, France,
Seymour is Seventy (POSTPONED to 2022)
- Jun 14-18, Rytro, Poland,
9th Cracow Conference on Graph Theory (POSTPONED to Jun 5-10, 2022)
- Jun 14-17, hosted by Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, Austria,
32nd International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic
Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA2021) (ONLINE EVENT)
- Jun 14-15, hosted by University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
2nd AlCOVE: an Algebraic Combinatorics Virtual Expedition (VIRTUAL by Zoom
- Jun 14-15, Eastern Daylight Time,
Workshop on Local Algorithms (WOLA) 2021 (VIRTUAL event)
- Jun 8, worldwide,
Round the World Relay in Combinatorics (ONLINE)
- Jun 7-11, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Ljubljana Workshop on Graph Domination 2021 - LWGD'21 (postponed
from Jun 8-12, 2020)
- Jun 7-11, Buffalo, NY,
37th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2021)
- May 31 - Jun 4, Week 1 of
2020 Moscow Conference on
Combinatorics, Graphs Theory and Applications (MoCCA'20) (ONLINE,
postponed from May 11-15 2020)
- May 31 - Jun 3, hosted by London School of Economics and Political Science,
London, UK,
6th Highlights of Algorithms conference (HALG 2021) (VIRTUAL)
- May 25-28, Canada,
CanaDAM 2021 - 8th Biennial Canadian Algorithm and Discrete Applied Mathematics
Conference (100% ONLINE)
- May 24-28, St. Petersburg State University and Euler Intenational
Mathematical Institute, Russia,
School in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Complexity (ONLINE)
- May 24-27, North America,
18th Mixed Integer Programming Workshop (MIP2021) (ONLINE)
- May 19-21, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
- May 17-21, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
XI Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2021)
- May 17-20, IPM, Tehran, Iran,
Fourth IPM Biennial Conference on
Combinatorics and Computing (IPMCCC 2021) (ONLINE conference)
- May 12-13, Queen Mary University London and London School of Economics,
London, UK,
14th QMUL/LSE Colloquia in Combinatorics (ONLINE)
- May 10-12, Larnaca, Cyprus,
12th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2021)
- May 4, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL,
Mini-workshop on Graph Container Methods (on Zoom)
- Apr 24-25, Williams College, Williamstown, MA,
Discrete Math Days in the Northeast (VIRTUAL via Zoom)
- Apr 23-25, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference (GSCC) 2021 (VIRTUAL EVENT)
- Apr 17, hosted by Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH,
MIGHTY LXIII (MIdwestern GrapH TheorY Conference LXIII)
(VIRTUAL conference)
- Apr 7-9, hosted by Saint Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
37th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2021)
(ONLINE format)
- Apr 6-9, hosted by Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany,
(Polytop)ics: Recent advances on polytopes (ONLINE Conference)
- Mar 10-12, hosted on Zoom in Budapest, Hungary
Workshop on Euclidean Ramsey Theory (in memory of Ronald Graham)
- Mar 8-12, hosted by Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL,
52nd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and
- Mar 6, 9:45AM to 3PM Pacific Standard Time,
2021 Coast Combinatorics Conference (33rd CCC) (six talks, meeting on Zoom,
mail Gary MacGillivray ( for Zoom link
- Feb 28 - Mar 2, University of Information Technology, Yangon, Myanmar,
15th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation
(WALCOM 2021)
- Feb 20-21, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX,
Virtual CombinaTexas 2021 (VIRTUAL on ZOOM)
- Feb 15 - Mar 5, on Zoom,
REACT - Research Encounters in Algebraic and Combinatorial Topics
(workshop for graduate students)
- Feb 11-13, IIT Ropar, India,
7th Annual International Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied
Mathematics (CALDAM 2021) (presentations optionally online)
- Jan 20-21, School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in
Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Isfahan, Iran,
Graph Theory and its Applications (VIRTUAL workshop)
- Jan 18-23, Valparaíso, Chile,
XVI Summer School in Discrete Mathematics (FULLY ONLINE)
- Jan 14-15 and 19, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute,
SAMSI Combinatorial Probability Virtual Opening Workshop (VIRTUAL)
- Jan 10-13, originally in Alexandria, VA,
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA21)
- Jan 6-9, Washington, DC, HELD VIRTUALLY,
2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM)
- Jan 5-8, originally at University of São Paulo, São Paulo,
Brazil, now ONLINE via Virtual Chair on the Gather platform,
14th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN 2020)
(postponed from May 2020)
This archive contains the pointers as they were when active.
Pages for old conferences are likely to have expired, but the listing
of dates and locations, etc., may be of use for historical purposes.
Conferences in
Conference Series Archives
Archive sites for conference series provide a valuable record. Links for
several appear below. These also may have expired for conference series that
are now defunct. Archives may include such things as lists of talks,
participants, and abstracts; even sometimes photos. If anyone knows of archive
sites for other conference series in discrete mathematics, please let me know
(send information to dwest(at)illinois(dot)edu). There are many other
conference series that would benefit from having archive sites; any volunteers?